So I feel like I'm running nine thousand miles a minute. I have to add the finishing touches to Couillon, my short story, and get it out on Kindle/Nook/Smashwords, and I need to package up my novel -- not just two different ways, but now three.
Remember those email queries I sent out in January, well today I got a bite from one of the agents. She said she was intrigued and would like to see three chapters if I wasn't already represented. I think it's lovely that she thinks I may have already found an agent. And of course, I'm going to send her three chapters.
On top of all that I also plan on submitting both the short story and novel to the US Copyright office so that I can copyright my "words". That doesn't mean a publishing company won't get copyright rights as well, but right now, this protects me.
And I need to decide on a virtual cover for the short story.
AND I need to go to work, real work, every day to pay the bills until I strike it rich as an author. Don't worry. I'm not quitting my day job any time soon.
With all that said, the blog is probably gonna be left fallow for a week or so more until I get all this stuff done.
Very cool to hear that an agent is "intrigued" and wants to read more. Congrats!! Hope good things come from this. - Ken